Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wild Weekend!

Our weekend was suppose to be a little busy, with Grace's end of the school year picnic on Friday, Greg's Mom's Birthday Saturday, and Memorial Day cookouts and Pool opening.

Friday morning started with me yelling "Last Day Of School!" spontaneously through breakfast, just enough to have Grace so excited, that she almost wet her pants! :) Here are a few pictures, you can tell she is having a hard time standing still and looking at the camera.

Well, with everything on track, I dropped Grace off and did some running around before the picnic. Then when we(Greg, Collins,and I) arrived at school, I was even early. I saw my friends car, who I had talked to that morning. She had told me that she had gone to the Minute Clinic and she had caught her daughter's Strep Throat, and she also had a double ear infection. I noticed that she was laying down, and when I got to the car to wave, she looked at me and she was on her phone and her eye's were all red. I thought she was on the phone talking to her husband and crying because she felt sick. I went back to my car, and that is when she laid on the horn. I went back to the car and she was still laying down, so I opened the door. She said that she was having severe stomach cramps that felt like she was in labor. If you knew her, you would know that she never ever complains, even when she probably should. Since she wasn't pregnant, it was very alarming, and she handed me her cell phone, and asked me to call 911. The next 2 hours are a blur. Luckily Greg was there, so after the Ambulance got there I was able to go with her to the hospital. I met her Mom there, and we waited all day while Jennifer was in horrible pain. Her husband was out of town at a golf weekend in NC, and he was driving most of the afternoon to get to the ER. I finally had to leave around 5pm, and they still didn't know too much. Her Mom called me later to say that she was in the ICU and the Infectious Disease Dr. said that she had pseudo toxic shock from the strep virus and that the next 24hours were very critical for her. It was pretty awful, I spent most of the weekend waiting for calls from her Mom for updates. She has now been up graded to a regular room, and she calls me for our normal morning talks. However, she still is so tired that she can't sit up for longer then 10 minutes. Like I said before, she doesn't complain, so even though she says she feels good, I can tell by her soft quite voice (not normal) that she still is feeling pretty bad. Here is a picture of her with her little girl who was in Grace's class this year.

The rest of the weekend went like we thought. Saturday, Greg went with his parents to see Indiana Jones, and then the kids and I met them for dinner at Long Horns for Brenda's Birthday. Then on Sunday we went to Greg's sister's for a cookout and birthday cake. Monday we went to the pool for a few hours and then had a calm day at home. The kids enjoyed the pool, Collins loved that Star 94 was there. He was dancing like crazy in the water! : ) Hopefully next weekend will be less eventful. Although, it is not looking like it will be. I am going to dinner and movie with the girls Friday night, then we have a kids fishing contest at my parents neighborhood, then the last dance class before the recital, then Henley's(grace's friend) 5th Birthday Party. Then on Sunday we have Greg's family reunion in Ellijay from 10-5 and then my Mom's birthday party Sunday evening. My head is spinning already. On top of all of that Jennifer should be home from the Hospital on Sat. or Sun., so I need to cook a few dinners for her freezer. Well, I better go and lay down! : )


Susan and Lee said...

Now I know why we never can get together. You sure are busy.


Amy said...

You need a vacation...soon! Ha!

Cheryl said...

Oh my word!!!
You're going to need to be on vacation for all of June to recover from May!!
Glad your friend is getting better, how scary.