Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day, Birthdays, Father's Day... Oh My!

Well, it is the season for our Family Celebrations. Collins kicks off the season with his Birthday on May 1. Then in May we have Mother’s Day, Claire’s (niece) Birthday, Nana (Greg’s Mom) Birthday. Then in June we have Mom’s Birthday, Greg’s Birthday, Max’s (nephew) Birthday, and Father’s Day. Every weekend until July is booked with some sort of Celebration. It is a good thing that we all like cake!

Today is Claire’s Birthday, but we had the Party on Saturday evening. Grace and Claire are in the same Pre-School class, so she took her a card and daisy today. Lucky for Grace, Claire brought cupcakes! All in all it was very exciting for our average Wednesday at school. When I picked her up, she announced that she had a new friend, and she would ask him his name tomorrow. I guess today she just called him “hey you!”.

Claire’s Birthday Card! She loves High School Musical. She gets so embarrassed whenever someone talks about the movie, and now with the power of Photo Shop I can make her cover her eyes and giggle!

Claire and Max (one of her brothers)
My sister makes her kids Birthday cakes every year. They are always delicious.

Grace likes HSM also, so watching Claire open her presents was so exciting! When Grace gets excited she raises her shoulders over her ears and grins from ear to ear.


Cheryl said...
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Cheryl said...

Hey Kristin,
This is Cheryl (Holton)
I found you through Amy's blog.
Come by sometime!